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Purebred Border Collie puppies with biddable temperaments, sound conformation and positive behaviour
Healthy puppies raised with the utmost in quality care.
Firstly, Emerald Park is our home. It's our sanctuary, where we gather close all the aspects of our lives we love. Our animals, gardens and a non-invasive lifestyle all form an important aspect of this.

When focusing on our dogs, we recognize the following goals:
* Acceptance of our dogs as family first.
* Placing a high standard of ethics as paramount.
* Ensuring the physical and emotional needs of our dogs are well met.
* Maintaining facilities of high standard to enable the effective care and welfare of our dogs and puppies to be excellent.
* Improving the quality of our breeding dogs over time.
* Attempting to enrich our dogs' lives.
* Being totally committed to a fresh food diet.

It is our hope to produce puppies:
* That meet the Border Collie breed standards.
* Of sound physical structure (conformation) to reduce veterinary issues and increase their quality of life in the long term.
* With biddable temperament, suitable for family pets.
* Free from genetic diseases.
* Who will build wonderful relationships with their new families.
* Capable of coping both behaviourally and physically well with stressors.

For our puppy families, we aim to:
* Promote the precious nature of your canine family members.
* Continually improve the type and quality of support provided.
* Keep up with current research and applications of all things "dog" to broaden the range of information and encouragement we supply.
* Always have your puppy/dog's best interest at heart.
* Be available to assist.
* Encourage fresh feeding as a lifelong commitment.
* Share the joy you experience from your Emerald Park puppy/dog.
* Communicate openly and honestly.
* Provide you with respect and consideration.