0439 196 343
Purebred Border Collie puppies with biddable temperaments, sound conformation and positive behaviour
Healthy puppies raised with the utmost in quality care.
Although we have been encouraged to use puppy sale contracts, we think it is a better idea to set out our commitments to and expectations of our puppy buyers. We hope that by investing our trust and offering our support we will develop excellent relations to facilitate the welfare of our puppies. Please bear with me through any technicalities.
Emerald Park Border Collies will be referred to as the Breeder.
New puppy families will be referred to as the Buyer.
Registration of the Puppy:
Our puppies will be registered with the MDBA and the NSW Pet Registry.
Transfer of Ownership:
Ownership of the puppy shall pass to the Buyer only when the following has occurred:
The balance of the purchase price has been paid (and cleared) to the Breeder; and
Completion of collection/delivery of the puppy has occurred and physical possession and control of the puppy is in the hands of the Buyer.
At all times prior to the ownership of the puppy passing to the Buyer, all right, title and interest the puppy, including but not limited to, the right to make decisions in relation to the care and welfare of the puppy, shall remain with the Breeder.
The Breeder warrants that the puppy has received the following immunisations:
Canine distemper virus
Canine adenovirus (type 1 and 2)
Canine parvovirus
In the form of Protech C3.
And the Buyer acknowledges that while immunisation is effective, it is no guarantee that such diseases will not manifest in the puppy.
Illness of the Puppy:
The Breeder warrants that the puppy has been examined by a veterinarian and the Veterinarian’s Certificate detailing the results of that examination is supplied to the Buyer.
In the event that the puppy develops an illness within 7 days of collection/delivery the Breeder agrees to take back possession of the puppy and refund in full the purchase price paid by the Buyer. Any illness contracted after 7 days has been contracted outside the Breeder's facilities.
In the event that the Breeder takes back the possession of the puppy and refunds the purchase price to the buyer, the Breeder shall resume ownership of the puppy and shall arrange for any necessary treatment and all right, title and interest reverts to the Breeder, including but not limited to, the right to make decisions in relation to the care and welfare of the puppy.
In the event that the Buyer does not notified of any illness or if the possession and ownership of the puppy does not revert to the Breeder, the Breeder will not assume any liability for any costs incurred by the Buyer in relation to the illness of the puppy, including but not limited to, veterinary costs.
Genetic Issues:
1. The Breeder discloses that the puppy has not been diagnosed with any genetic health problems at the time of the veterinarian’s examination and is healthy at the time of sale.
2. The Breeder discloses that the following genetic tests have been conducted on the parents of the puppy and the results were as follows:
Jack - clear. Tilly - clear. Bessie - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - carrier. Bessie - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - clear. Bessie - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - clear. Bessie - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - clear. Bessie - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - clear. Bessie - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - carrier. Bessie - clear.
Jack - clear. Tilly - clear. Bessie - clear.
The Breeder agrees to take back possession of the puppy and fully refund all monies paid by the Buyer for the purchase of the puppy in the event that any of the above genetic disorders manifests themselves in the puppy within 12 months of collection/delivery.
Liability of the Breeder:
The Breeder agrees that they will provide the Buyer with ‘Puppy Care Notes and Information’ detailing treatment the puppy has received under the Breeder’s care, and any future care the Breeder feels is essential to the puppy’s well being.
The Breeder agrees to provide information or help to find information in regard to the health and wellbeing of the said puppy if the Buyer enquires.
The Breeder agrees to assist the Buyer in rehoming the puppy should they Buyer no longer able to care for the puppy or take the puppy back and rehome the puppy.
The Breeder does not assume any liability for any injury sustained by the puppy after collection/delivery.
The Breeder does not assume any liability for any loss of the puppy after collection/delivery.
The Breeder does not assume any liability for veterinary account incurred in relation to the puppy unless the Breeder has been given the opportunity to take back possession of the puppy and has declined to do so and agreed to.
The breeder does not assume liability for any health or genetic conditions which are beyond the Breeder’s control.
Exclusion of Implied Terms or Warranties Implied by Statute:
The Breeder does not warrant that the puppy is fit for any particular purpose and the Breeder makes no warranty in relation to the suitability of the puppy for any purpose nor any warranty as to the success of the puppy in any capacity now or in the future.
The Breeder will not be held responsible for injury during transport by a third party from the Breeder to the Buyer.