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A little more on feeding .....

The more informed you have, the better choices you will be able to make for your dog.


Development of the Commercial Pet Food Industry:


Historically, dogs were fed meat, bones, offal and table scraps. During the "Depression" when people were forced to eat these foods themselves; they began to feed their dogs: stock, grain, blood and bone. This led to the development of processed pet food that was mainly cereal based, cooked at very high temperatures with colourants, preservatives and vitamins added.


Public perception of pet food changed, as manufacturers advertised their products, sponsored nutritional lectures for training vets and gave good profit margins to vets who carried their food.


The convenience of feeding commercial products is difficult to beat. The "fast food" industry for dogs has lead to a crisis of diet related health issues, however.


Nutritional Benefits of Liver:


Liver contains more nutrients than any other food. This is why we recommend it eventually form 10% of your dog’s diet. As it is a very “rich” food, it does need to be introduced slowly.


It provides:


* An excellent source of high quality protein.

* Nature’s most concentrated source of vitamin A (retinol).

* All the B vitamins in abundance (particularly B1, B2, B3, B5 and B12).

* One of the best sources of folate.

* Contains vitamins C, D, E and K in substantial quantities.

* A highly usable form of iron.

* Trace elements such as copper, zinc and chromium, manganese, selenium (best source of copper).

* The essential fatty acids:  both the omega-3 and omega-6 type

* Coenzyme Q10, which is especially important for cardiovascular function, as well as reducing: cancer, diabetes, and immune disorders.

* A good source of purines - nitrogen containing compounds that serve as precursors of DNA & RNA.

* An unidentified anti-fatigue factor.


Nutritional Benefits of Kidney:


It supplies:


* Good Quality protein.

* Essential fatty acids.

* Many vitamins including the B vitamins, fat soluble: A, D, E and K.

* A rich source of iron and zinc.


Nutritional Benefits of Heart:


It provides:


* An excellent source of protein.

* A good source of B vitamins and some vitamin A.

* Essential fatty acids (must be obtained from the diet), including taurine (helps prevent eye and heart disorders).

*  Coenzyme Q10, which is especially important for cardiovascular function, as well as reducing: cancer, diabetes, and immune disorders.

* Contains selenium, phosphorus and zinc, along with essential amino acids that help build muscle, store energy and boost stamina and endurance.

* Twice as much collagen and elastin than regular meat, which is important for healthy joints.


Nutritional Benefits of Chicken Gizzards:


* Low in fat.

* Low in sodium.

* A good source of the B vitamins, which have direct impact on energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism.

* A good source of the minerals phosphorus (works with B vitamins to help kidney, heart, nerve and muscle function), potassium (maintains normal blood pressure and supports muscle contraction), iron (supports the immune system and supports muscle contraction), zinc (supports the immune system, helps with wound healing and is essential for normal taste and smell) and selenium (plays a vital role in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis and protection from infection).

* A powerhouse of choline, which impacts liver function, healthy brain development, muscle movement, the nervous system and metabolism.




0439 196 343

New South Wales


MDBA Breeder Member Prefix: Emerald Park; Member No: 14135.


Breeder Identification Number with the NSW Pet Registry: B000660754.


Emerald Park adheres to the Animal Welfare Code of Practice - Breeding Cats and Dogs.


BSc (Biology); Dip Ed (Secondary Science);Certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist.


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